The Trump Agenda Outlined

 The Trump AgendaTrump MAGA

Theme Song: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” Rolling Stones

  • America First
    1. Citizen Well Being Comes Before the Well Being of Non-Citizens
    2. Does not mean America Only
    3. Does not mean “White America First”
    4. Includes all Americans (The left is used to thinking in terms of identity groups. Trump thinks in a citizen and non-citizen dichotomy. If he criticizes Criminal Illegal Immigrants, he is not criticizing citizen Hispanics because he thinks of American vs. Non-American. He considers American Citizens of Central and South American heritage as Americans First and Hispanics as a distant second.)
  • Enforce the Laws (Big Ones First)
    1. Stop Illegal Immigration including building a wall
    2. Drug Enforcement
    3. Reverse Illegal Executive Orders because They are Illegal
      1. For example: DACA. Trump may reverse the EO because it is overreach but back a DACA like exemption in an immigration bill because his objection was more to the overreach than the policy.
  • Get the Bad Guys including but not limited to:
    1. ISIS
    2. Criminal Aliens
    3. North Korea
  • Grow the Economy
    1. Tax Reform
    2. Regulatory Reform
  • Keep the Obamacare Crash from Happening
    1. Coverage Access for All
    2. Coverage for Pre-existing conditions
    3. No one loses care who wants it
    4. Good Health Care
  • Reduce the Waste in Government
    1. Eliminate Unnecessary Jobs
    2. Get Better Prices
  • Negotiate to Get Good Deals
    1. Trade, Trade, Trade
    2. Drug Prices
    3. Jobs in US
    4. Alliances that are Truly Mutually Beneficial
      1. For Example: NATO was bad because of freeloading. They spend what they have committed to spend on defense. NATO is good!

Trump: A post-modern candidate for post-modern times

Trump: A post-modern candidate for post-modern times

Trump lies, and the voters do not care.  Why? They are idiots!  They are racists!  They are imbeciles!  These are the cries that I hear, but it is not true. Significant numbers of voters have become post-modern in their approach to politics, and the world has changed.

In post-modern thought, reality is not an objective truth. Reality is only a perception that we co-create as we talk to each other or that we create in our own minds in response to outward stimuli.  Truth is the understanding that we agree on in that present. Even if we are people of faith in post-modern approaches to life, our understanding of God is personal because there is not an objective, independent knowledge that can be universally understood in truly common terms.  For the modernist, this is the Twilight Zone.

Reality is what Trump and the post-modern Trump voters say that it is in that moment. The world changes from moment to moment; so the co-created understanding on Tuesday may not be the understanding created and articulated on Wednesday. The only admittedly tenuous indicator of future action is intent and motivation. Trump voters understand that promises are made and created in the understanding of that moment and are subject to change. Who taught them political post-modernism?  The list is long. Future posts will outline each group’s contributions.

Every politician that has failed against Trump has failed in a modernist moment.  Whether it is Jeb! prioritizing an objective standard of politeness, Marco declaring universal truth of freedom, or Ted doubling down on the unchangeable definition of gender; the crash always comes when modernism meets its successor.

Trumps’s “flexibility” is really his adaptation to post-modern thought. Trump can call Cruz “Lyin’ Ted” at 4 PM and can call him a respected, brilliant man at 9 PM because the situation has changed. Thus the co-created meaning can be changed without penalty as well.

There are countless ways that this Trumpist movement will change American politics and policy if these voters are a majority. If post-modern political approaches are here to stay, the world will change as dramatically as it did during the Enlightenment because the entire system that we have is built on a modern base. If the tipping point has been reached where the majority has become post-modern, every politician who tries to impose a modern politics on a post-modern country will crash and burn against Trump because those politicians will seem as strange to post-modern voters as post-modern voters seem to those who have not made the transition away from modern thought.

Secretary Clinton, you’re moment in the post-modern present is next. Good luck.  You’re going to need it.




Sex Kills The Republicans

Hey Republicans! The Sexual Revolution is Over, and You Lost (and continue to lose)!

Republicans keep losing nationwide elections because they keep refighting elections in the 1970’s and 1980’s. It is natural that conservatives would fight a sexual revolution. But they lost.

Sex is not bad. Sex is natural. Variations in people are not bad. Variations are natural. This is the prevailing view in the United States. Every time that you sound like the pastor from the movie Footloose; then you lose any ability to make a case about taxes, the size of government, defense or corruption. If you reject people by rejecting core parts of who they are sexually, then they will not vote for you. Once voters realize that you want to legislate them out of existence, they do not need to hear any more to make the affirmative decision to vote you out of existence as leaders. This is part of the genesis of the “low information voter”.

You cannot shame people into voting for you. That drives them away. Drives. Them. Away!

Sex, acceptance and affirmation are all more important than money as long as people have enough to provide for their needs. Most voters will pay higher taxes to keep the government out of their bedrooms and relationships. (Please see Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) If a majority of people were starving, it would be different.

Sexual freedom has a cost, but sexual oppression has a higher one in most voters’ minds.

Conservative commentators like @SeanHannity and @OReillyFactor long have wondered why people “irrationally” vote for liberals. It is the same reason that people vote for Trump. When one party rejects them at a level that the voters consider to be fundamental, then they vote for the other party or person without regard to policies because rejection is more powerful that position papers.

When Republicans campaign in favor of families with children only, voters hear a rejection of the single and the childless. When Republicans campaign affirming a traditional definition of marriage only, then voters hear a rejection of everyone who does not marry one opposite-sex person and stay with that person for life. Voters hear a rejection of everyone who has had sex outside of marriage, who have had a divorce(s), or who live together. This is at least two-thirds of the population.

Once voters came to accept themselves with regard to sex, sexual orientation and relationship patterns; they stopped tolerating the same kind of rejection from their elected officials. The turn came no later than the 1990’s. Shame no longer works when people are no longer ashamed of who they are.

If Republican candidates like @TedCruz continue to signal that they are judging others from high atop their religious perches, then they will lose national elections even if their tax plans are far superior. And @TedCruz has a superior tax plan.

It is time for the Republican Party to consistently signal that they are no longer fighting a war that ended twenty years ago. It is time for them to signal that they are accepting and affirming of the voters’ right to choose their own path when it comes to sex and relationships without interference from the government.

Tired of losing? Stop fighting a war that you have already lost.

After I wrote the original piece: @realDonaldJTrump commented on the bathroom issue with Transgender individuals.  He is not fighting the last war. He picked up significant votes with his, “I don’t think there have been many problems with this” approach. It causes me no small amount of pain to admit that Trump is right where @TedCruz is wrong on this issue when Cruz would be a much better nominee when it comes to the things that a President actually does.

Kill Women and Children — Trump

In the debate last night, Donald J. Trump repeated his intention to “kill the families” of terrorists.  This is not the first time. Real men do not target innocent women and children. Knowledge of a crime is not a death penalty crime.

Trump Defends Killing Women and Children

If the United States intentionally targets women and children who are not fighters or terrorists just to take their lives for revenge, we are committing murder.

If we vote for Trump, we are joining ourselves to someone worse than the people who want to silence people who do not agree with the elites. Trump is a great advocate for pushing against those who want to eliminate the “Middle American” way of life, but Trump will take away the lives of babies just for revenge.

I know that the politically correct show nothing but contempt for those who disagree with them.  I know that NASCAR and/or Evangelical culture is despised and put down by the elites. But we cannot sacrifice innocent children even if it is  to defeat political correctness and send a message to those who think that they are better than everyone else.

We will just replace something that is bad with something that is evil. And the murder of innocent children is an evil that is worse than anything Hillary Clinton has done.

Can you put your name as backing someone who advocates evil?  I can’t.

H/T to @Resurgent for Leading the Way.  We do not agree on a great many things, but we agree on this.

#NeverTrump  #NeverHillary

Dramatic Change from the Supreme Court

What changed yesterday?

The change that took place yesterday is that the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) fully recognized and affirmed that The Lesbians, The Gays, The Bisexuals, The Transgendered and The Queers are people and can drop the “The” before their names.  If you can put a “The” in something’s primary identification, they are made an object. They are no longer objects in the eyes of the law.  They are recognized fully as people.

Because they are no longer “the Lesbians” or “the Gays”, these individuals are now recognized by SCOTUS as people who are lesbian, gay, transgendered, bisexual and queer who are consequently entitled to the full rights of citizens that people enjoy in the United States.

The dramatic change was not in the constitution.  Agree with it or not, this kind of reasoning has proliferated in SCOTUS opinions before. There is nothing new in due process or equal protection reasoning.

The dramatic change was not in the definition of marriage.  More people were included, but the fundamental dynamics of what marriage means was not changed.  Straight people are not going to treat each other differently in marriages because of this decision (if they are mentally healthy). So marriage has not changed for them.

The dramatic change was that the court finished the journey that it started in Windsor, a previous decision. This journey was led by a devout Roman Catholic, White, Male, Straight, Republican Anthony Kennedy. The destination was full personhood for those who have a non-normative orientation.  This is a dramatic change that is a long time coming and has happened not a moment too soon!